Source code for ytfs.ytfs

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Main module of YTFS. Executing this module causes YTFS filesystem mount in given directory.

__version__ = "0.99a2"

import os
import sys
import stat
import errno
import math
from enum import Enum
from copy import deepcopy
from time import time
from argparse import ArgumentParser, HelpFormatter
from functools import wraps

from fuse import FUSE, FuseOSError, Operations

#from stor import YTStor
from .actions import YTActions, YTStor, YTMetaStor

##### DIRTY PATCH #####

from ctypes import create_string_buffer, memmove

def listxattr_FIX(self, path, namebuf, size):
    attrs = self.operations('listxattr', path.decode(self.encoding)) or ''
    ret = '\x00'.join(attrs).encode(self.encoding) + '\x00'.encode('ascii') # <= fixed here

    retsize = len(ret)
    # allow size queries
    if not namebuf: return retsize

    # do not truncate
    if retsize > size: return -errno.ERANGE

    buf = create_string_buffer(ret, retsize)
    memmove(namebuf, buf, retsize)

    return retsize

FUSE.listxattr = listxattr_FIX

def flush_FIX(self, path, fip): # if feel bad...

    if path is None: path = b"" # <= added fix here, not sure if it's right, but works.

    if self.raw_fi:
        fh = fip.contents
        fh = fip.contents.fh

    return self.operations('flush', path.decode(self.encoding), fh)

FUSE.flush = flush_FIX # It's just wrong...


[docs]class fd_dict(dict): """``dict`` extension, which finds the lowest unused descriptor and associates it with an ``YTStor`` object."""
[docs] def push(self, yts): """ Search for, add and return new file descriptor. Parameters ---------- yts : YTStor-obj or None ``YTStor`` object for which we want to allocate a descriptor or ``None``, if we allocate descriptor for a control file. Returns ------- k : int File descriptor. """ if not isinstance(yts, (YTStor, YTMetaStor, type(None))): raise TypeError("Expected YTStor object, YTMetaStor object or None.") k = 0 while k in self.keys(): k += 1 self[k] = yts return k
[docs]class YTFS(Operations): """ Main YTFS class. Attributes ---------- st : dict Dictionary that contains basic file attributes. Consult ``man 2 stat`` for reference. searches : dict Dictionary that is a main interface to data of idividual searches and their results (movies) stored by filesystem. Format: searches = { 'search phrase 1': YTActions({ 'tytul1': <YTStor obj>, 'tytul2': <YTStor obj>, ... }), 'search phrase 2': YTActions({ ... }), ... } ``YTStor`` object stores all needed information about movie, not only multimedia data. Attention: for simplicity, file extensions are present only during directory listing. In all other operations extensions are dropped. fds : fd_dict ``fd_dict`` dictionary which links descriptors in use with corresponding ``YTStor`` objects. Key: descriptor. Value: ``YTStor`` object for given file. __sh_script : bytes Control file contents. """ st = { 'st_mode': stat.S_IFDIR | 0o555, 'st_ino': 0, 'st_dev': 0, 'st_nlink': 2, 'st_uid': os.getuid(), 'st_gid': os.getgid(), 'st_size': 4096, 'st_blksize': 512, 'st_atime': 0, 'st_mtime': 0, 'st_ctime': 0 } __sh_script = b"#!/bin/sh\necho 1 > $0\n" def __init__(self): self.searches = dict() self.fds = fd_dict()
[docs] class PathType(Enum): """ Human readable representation of path type of given tuple identifier. Attributes ---------- invalid : int Invalid path. main : int Main directory. subdir : int Subdirectory (search directory). file : int File (search result). ctrl : int Control file. """ invalid = 0 main = 1 subdir = 2 file = 3 ctrl = 4 @staticmethod
[docs] def get(p): """ Get path type. Parameters ---------- p : str or tuple Path or tuple identifier. Returns ------- path_type : PathType Path type as ``PathType`` enum. """ try: p = YTFS._YTFS__pathToTuple(p) # try to convert, if p is string. nothing will happen if not. except TypeError: pass if not isinstance(p, tuple) or len(p) != 2 or not (isinstance(p[0], (str, type(None))) and isinstance(p[1], (str, type(None)))): return YTFS.PathType.invalid elif p[0] is None and p[1] is None: return YTFS.PathType.main elif p[0] and p[1] is None: return YTFS.PathType.subdir elif p[0] and p[1]: if p[1][0] == ' ': return YTFS.PathType.ctrl else: return YTFS.PathType.file else: return YTFS.PathType.invalid
class PathConvertError(Exception): pass def __pathToTuple(self, path): """ Convert directory or file path to its tuple identifier. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to convert. It can look like /, /directory, /directory/ or /directory/filename. Returns ------- tup_id : tuple Two element tuple identifier of directory/file of (`directory`, `filename`) format. If path leads to main directory, then both fields of tuple will be ``None``. If path leads to a directory, then field `filename` will be ``None``. Raises ------ YTFS.PathConvertError When invalid path is given. """ if not path or path.count('/') > 2: raise YTFS.PathConvertError("Bad path given") # empty or too deep path try: split = path.split('/') except (AttributeError, TypeError): raise TypeError("Path has to be string") #path is not a string if split[0]: raise YTFS.PathConvertError("Path needs to start with '/'") # path doesn't start with '/'. del split[0] try: if not split[-1]: split.pop() # given path ended with '/'. except IndexError: raise YTFS.PathConvertError("Bad path given") # at least one element in split should exist at the moment if len(split) > 2: raise YTFS.PathConvertError("Path is too deep. Max allowed level is 2") # should happen due to first check, but ... try: d = split[0] except IndexError: d = None try: f = split[1] except IndexError: f = None if not d and f: raise YTFS.PathConvertError("Bad path given") # filename is present, but directory is not #sheeeeeeiiit return (d, f) def __exists(self, p): """ Check if file of given path exists. Parameters ---------- p : str or tuple Path or tuple identifier. Returns ------- exists : bool ``True``, if file exists. Otherwise ``False``. """ try: p = self.__pathToTuple(p) except TypeError: pass return ((not p[0] and not p[1]) or (p[0] in self.searches and not p[1]) or (p[0] in self.searches and p[1] in self.searches[p[0]]))
[docs] def _pathdec(method): """ Decorator that replaces string `path` argument with its tuple identifier. Parameters ---------- method : function Function/method to decorate. Returns ------- mod : function Function/method after decarotion. """ @wraps(method) # functools.wraps makes docs autogeneration easy and proper for decorated functions. def mod(self, path, *args): try: return method(self, self.__pathToTuple(path), *args) except YTFS.PathConvertError: raise FuseOSError(errno.EINVAL) return mod
[docs] def getattr(self, tid, fh=None): """ File attributes. Parameters ---------- tid : str Path to file. Original `path` argument is converted to tuple identifier by ``_pathdec`` decorator. fh : int File descriptor. Unnecessary, therefore ignored. Returns ------- st : dict Dictionary that contains file attributes. See: ``man 2 stat``. """ if not self.__exists(tid): raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT) pt = self.PathType.get(tid) st = deepcopy( st['st_atime'] = int(time()) st['st_mtime'] = st['st_atime'] st['st_ctime'] = st['st_atime'] if pt is self.PathType.file: st['st_mode'] = stat.S_IFREG | 0o444 st['st_nlink'] = 1 st['st_size'] = self.searches[ tid[0] ][ tid[1] ].filesize st['st_ctime'] = self.searches[ tid[0] ][ tid[1] ].ctime st['st_mtime'] = st['st_ctime'] st['st_atime'] = self.searches[ tid[0] ][ tid[1] ].atime elif pt is self.PathType.ctrl: st['st_mode'] = stat.S_IFREG | 0o774 st['st_nlink'] = 1 st['st_size'] = len(self.__sh_script) elif pt is self.PathType.main: st['st_mode'] = stat.S_IFDIR | 0o774 st['st_blocks'] = math.ceil(st['st_size'] / st['st_blksize']) return st
[docs] def readdir(self, tid, fh): """ Read directory contents. Lists visible elements of ``YTActions`` object. Parameters ---------- tid : str Path to file. Original `path` argument is converted to tuple identifier by ``_pathdec`` decorator. fh : int File descriptor. Ommited in the function body. Returns ------- list List of filenames, wich will be shown as directory content. """ ret = [] pt = self.PathType.get(tid) try: if pt is self.PathType.main: ret = list(self.searches) elif pt is self.PathType.subdir: ret = list(self.searches[tid[0]]) elif pt is self.PathType.file: raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOTDIR) else: raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT) except KeyError: raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT) return ['.', '..'] + ret
[docs] def mkdir(self, tid, mode): """ Directory creation. Search is performed. Parameters ---------- tid : str Path to file. Original `path` argument is converted to tuple identifier by ``_pathdec`` decorator. mode : int Ignored. """ pt = self.PathType.get(tid) if pt is self.PathType.invalid or pt is self.PathType.file: raise FuseOSError(errno.EPERM) if self.__exists(tid): raise FuseOSError(errno.EEXIST) self.searches[tid[0]] = YTActions(tid[0]) self.searches[tid[0]].updateResults() return 0
[docs] def rename(self, old, new): """ Directory renaming support. Needed because many file managers create directories with default names, wich makes it impossible to perform a search without CLI. Name changes for files are not allowed, only for directories. Parameters ---------- old : str Old name. Converted to tuple identifier by ``_pathdec`` decorator. new : str New name. Converted to tuple identifier in actual function body. """ new = self.__pathToTuple(new) if not self.__exists(old): raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT) if self.PathType.get(old) is not self.PathType.subdir or self.PathType.get(new) is not self.PathType.subdir: raise FuseOSError(errno.EPERM) if self.__exists(new): raise FuseOSError(errno.EEXIST) self.searches[new[0]] = YTActions(new[0]) self.searches[new[0]].updateResults() try: del self.searches[old[0]] except KeyError: raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT) return 0
[docs] def rmdir(self, tid): """ Directory removal. ``YTActions`` object under `tid` is told to clean all data, and then it is deleted. Parameters ---------- tid : str Path to file. Original `path` argument is converted to tuple identifier by ``_pathdec`` decorator. """ pt = self.PathType.get(tid) if pt is self.PathType.main: raise FuseOSError(errno.EINVAL) elif pt is not self.PathType.subdir: raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOTDIR) try: self.searches[tid[0]].clean() del self.searches[tid[0]] except KeyError: raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT) return 0
@_pathdec @_pathdec
[docs] def open(self, tid, flags): """ File open. ``YTStor`` object associated with this file is initialised and written to ``self.fds``. Parameters ---------- tid : str Path to file. Original `path` argument is converted to tuple identifier by ``_pathdec`` decorator. flags : int File open mode. Read-only access is allowed. Returns ------- int New file descriptor """ pt = self.PathType.get(tid) if pt is not self.PathType.file and pt is not self.PathType.ctrl: raise FuseOSError(errno.EINVAL) if pt is not self.PathType.ctrl and (flags & os.O_WRONLY or flags & os.O_RDWR): raise FuseOSError(errno.EPERM) if not self.__exists(tid): raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT) try: yts = self.searches[tid[0]][tid[1]] except KeyError: return self.fds.push(None) # for control file no association is needed. if yts.obtainInfo(): #FIXME coz it's ugly. fh = self.fds.push(yts) yts.registerHandler(fh) return fh else: raise FuseOSError(errno.EINVAL)
[docs] def read(self, tid, length, offset, fh): """ Read from a file. Data is obtained from ``YTStor`` object (which is kept under `fh` descriptor) using its ``read`` method. Parameters ---------- tid : str Path to file. Original `path` argument is converted to tuple identifier by ``_pathdec`` decorator. length : int Length of data to read. offset : int Posision from which reading will start. fh : int File descriptor. Returns ------- bytes Movie data. """ try: return self.fds[fh].read(offset, length, fh) except AttributeError: # control file if tid[1] == " next": d = True elif tid[1] == " prev": d = False else: raise FuseOSError(errno.EINVAL) return self.__sh_script[offset:offset+length] except KeyError: # descriptor does not exist. raise FuseOSError(errno.EBADF)
def truncate(*args): return 0 # throws EROFS by default, so write fails. @_pathdec
[docs] def write(self, tid, data, offset, fh): """ Write operation. Applicable only for control files - updateResults is called. Parameters ---------- tid : str Path to file. Original `path` argument is converted to tuple identifier by ``_pathdec`` decorator. data : bytes Ignored. offset : int Ignored. fh : int File descriptor. Returns ------- int Length of data written. """ if tid[1] == " next": d = True elif tid[1] == " prev": d = False else: raise FuseOSError(errno.EPERM) try: self.searches[tid[0]].updateResults(d) except KeyError: raise FuseOSError(errno.EINVAL) # sth went wrong... return len(data)
[docs] def release(self, tid, fh): """ Close file. Descriptor is removed from ``self.fds``. Parameters ---------- tid : str Path to file. Ignored. fh : int File descriptor to release. """ try: try: self.fds[fh].unregisterHandler(fh) except AttributeError: pass del self.fds[fh] except KeyError: raise FuseOSError(errno.EBADF) return 0
def main(): parser = ArgumentParser(description="YTFS - YouTube Filesystem: search and play materials from YouTube using filesystem operations.", epilog="Streaming may not work if your player will read whole file into its buffer.", prog="ytfs", formatter_class=lambda prog: HelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=50)) parser.add_argument('mountpoint', type=str, nargs=1, help="Mountpoint") avgrp = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() avgrp.add_argument('-a', action='store_true', default=False, help="Download only audio") avgrp.add_argument('-v', action='store_true', default=False, help="Download only video") parser.add_argument('-f', default=False, help="Preferred video format as video height (e.g. 720). Ignored if -a specified.", metavar="FORMAT") parser.add_argument('-r', action='store_true', default=False, help="RickRoll flag") s_grp = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() s_grp.add_argument('-P', action='store_true', default=False, help="Always download whole data before reading. Useful for obtaining heighest video quality.") parser.add_argument('-d', action='store_true', default=False, help="debug: run in foreground") parser.add_argument('-m', default="", help="Metadata to fetch. Values: `desc` for descriptions, `thumb` for thumbnails. Use comma (,) for separating multiple values.", metavar="META1[,META2[,...]]") x = parser.parse_args() if x.a: YTStor.preferences['audio'] = True YTStor.preferences['video'] = False elif x.v: YTStor.preferences['video'] = True YTStor.preferences['audio'] = False if x.r: YTStor.rickastley = True if x.f: YTStor.preferences['format'] = x.f if x.P: YTStor.preferences['stream'] = False if x.m: for m in x.m.split(','): YTActions.preferences['metadata'][m] = True print("Mounting YTFS ver. " + __version__ + ".\nIf you encounter any bugs, please open an issue on GitHub:") FUSE(YTFS(), x.mountpoint[0], foreground=x.d) if __name__ == '__main__': main()